I enjoy doing talks on the topics I work on and design and UX topics in general. This is something I do in my spare time. Please contact me for any details. I am able to present in Danish or English.
Take a ride down the page to see my experience as a speaker and any upcoming events.
How to get users to ❤️mobile payments
Payments are boring and typically associated with low engagement and involvement. This is the story on how to deal with it.
When it all boils down you can say that payments, account overviews and statements on your mobile phone is nothing more than bits and bytes moving around on a disk. It is just data. But this is not how we as humans perceive it. Designers needs to be aware of human factors like feelings and emotions – also when it comes to financial products. In this talk I will cover some of the learning points of building trust, involvement and egagement into your a product that in first glimpse not calls for being loved by it's users.
Insights, data & research – Decision making in design
As an UX professional you may have learned the hard way that user research is expensive, hard and inconvenient. Often, it is the first thing to be skipped.
This talk will unfold the difference between rational and intuitive decision making in design and address how to cater for your key stakeholders and decision makers (SPOILER ALERT: rational decisions might not play as big a role as you might like to think). The talk will also share very practical examples on how MobilePay, the leading Nordic mobile payment solution, is taking design decisions based on insights and data from an entire population.
UX sketching
No, you don't need to be able to draw.
Sketching is one of the foundations of working with user experience. Prototypes going from low to high fidelity is often the best or only way to express design and product visions. This full day takes you through the theory behind sketching and also learns you how to get started or improve your basic sketching techniques. Yes, we will actually sketch stuff with pen and paper. Don't worry - anyone can learn it and when the day is over you will be comfortable grabbing a pen in order to 'getting the design right and getting the right design'.